Saturday, August 25, 2018

La Isla de Los Peces Muertos libro .epub Miriam Morell

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Miriam Morell (Puerto Padre, Cuba) has published seven novels: Las palmas son novias que esperan (1987), El fulgor de las estrellas (1991), El Ocujal (1995), Agar, la fugitiva (2001), Desnuda y al galope (2008), Abisag (2011), Quiero conversar contigo (2012). She is also the author of the collections of musicalized poems: Rocio (1994), Los girasoles (1995), Alma de marmol alada (2000). This is a novel where the action and depth of thought come together to give the reader a quality work that reads with intensity. The youth in this novel try to find meaning for their existence. It afflicts them that humankind is fragmented and, thus, the long pilgrimage in search of themselves in the midst of uncertainty. They use their exile as a way to construct a personal narrative. Although this is a collective phenomenon, it is an individual and personal matter for each person going through this journey. This book makes for deep reading for each of us is searching for a meaningful life."
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